• MOLON LABE – pronounced “MAH-LOAN LAH-BAY”. It roughly translates, “Come and Take Them.” It is an expression of defiance that has been used throughout history. When Xerxes ordered King Leonidas of Sparta to surrender his weapons, it was his reply.
  • SECOND AMENDMENT – “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Repeat…SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
  • SHOW YOUR PRIDE – You’re a proud American, with the tradition of gun ownership, and the security that brings. Send the message loud and clear that you will not surrender.
  • HIGH QUALITY – The vinyl is designed for exterior use. 4″ x 4″, this looks great on the window of a truck, or the back of a laptop.


MOLON LABE – pronounced “MAH-LOAN LAH-BAY”. It roughly translates from the Greek, “Come and Take Them.” It is an expression of defiance that has been used throughout history. When Xerxes ordered King Leonidas of Sparta to surrender his weapons, it was his reply. Some people also spell this MOLON AABE, but the first letter is actually the letter ‘L’. The phrase is known to supporters of the 2nd Amendment and folks in the 3-percent movement, and is in the spirit of “Don’t Tread On Me”.